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Celebrating love

Merlyn and Sonna Winther are the definition of the love celebrated Friday. The Spencer couple have been each other’s valentine for 66 years.

“We are deeply in love with each other,” Sonna said. “Our faith keeps us strong in our relationship.”

“Sonna is wonderful,” Merlyn said. “She is loved by her friends, and her love for me equates my love for her.”

He explained what keeps their love going strong.

Wendt selected next Spencer Middle School principal

The Spencer Community School District board of education has named Blake Wendt as the next principal of Spencer Middle School, beginning in the 2025-26 school year, succeeding Principal Tammy Delaney, who is retiring at the end of the academic year.


Inmate charged with assaulting law enforcement

Monday evening, James Streuli, 57, of Spencer, who was originally arrested Friday last week on West Fourth Street, was charged with two counts of assault on peace officers.

Clay County deputies were called to assist the Clay County Jail staff with an inmate. Upon doing so, the inmate, Streuli, assaulted the correctional officer and a Clay County deputy.

Both charges are serious misdemeanors.

Dry conditions create a potentially challenging planting season

Despite a Winter Weather Advisory the first part of the week, with multiple inches of snow, Iowa State University Extension Field Agronomist Gentry Sorenson hasn’t needed snow boots much for the 2024-25 winter season.

“It has been dry overall,” he said.

Hemphill reflects on half-century as city’s legal advisor

For five decades, Don Hemphill has been a steady legal hand advising the City of Spencer’s part-time elected officials and department heads about the law.

Eggs & Issues forum Saturday morning

The Spencer Chamber of Commerce announced the second date of the 2025 Eggs & Issues Legislative Forums will be Feb. 15, from 9-10:30 a.m. This forum offers residents of northwest Iowa the opportunity to connect with local legislators in a Q&A format.

Clay County secures up to $700K for flood resilience initiative

The Clay County Board of Supervisors has secured up to $700,000 from the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship to start working on long-term flood mitigation projects in the Little Sioux Watershed.

Hospital welcomes area schools

Spencer Hospital, after hosting Spencer’s Fairview Elementary classes, welcomed first grade students from Sioux Central, Sacred Heart and Iowa Great Lakes Lutheran in Spencer, Okoboji, Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn and Clay Central-Everly for a special Teddy Bear Clinic and hospital tour to close out the week.

Around Campus
  • JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Keishon Clarke, of Greenville, was recently named to the dean's list of Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Missouri, for the fall 2024 semester.
  • WATERLOO — Hawkeye Community College announced the dean's list for the fall 2024 semester. The dean's list is an official recognition of outstanding academic accomplishment by full-time students.
Business Briefs

Clay County Fair advance tickets on sale

Show your love for the Clay County Fair this Valentine’s Day by securing advance gate tickets for the 2025 Clay County Fair, powered by SMU, Sept. 6-14. Tickets re now available for purchase, allowing fairgoers to take advantage of an advance discount with adult gate admission — ages 13-plus — priced at $9 — a 25% savings — now through Friday, Sept. 5.

Ambassadors cut ribbon on Collector’s Cove

The Spencer Chamber Ambassadors visited Collector's Cove Tuesday morning for its grand reopening. After getting 2 feet of water in their building and losing a large portion of their inventory during the June flood, they were able to reopen again in November. Collector's Cover has 68 vendor booths and multiple floors of items. (Photo submitted)

Sioux City Diocese appoints new bishop

The Holy Father Pope Francis has appointed the Rev. John Edward Keehner, of the Diocese of Youngstown, as the eighth bishop of the Diocese of Sioux City.

Keehner, 59, is a native of Youngstown, Ohio, and is one of five children. He attended Austintown schools and graduated from Austintown Fitch High School in 1984.

Collectable showcase

Living History Farms, in Urbandale, hosted the “Antique Roadshow” last year, when the weather was much warmer. Spencer Hy-Vee’s general manager Scott Threlkeld, a regular viewer of the show, took his unique treasure. He is hopeful his items, which feature Iowa’s Heisman Trophy winner and Hawkeye football stadium namesake Nile Kinnick, will make the show filmed at the Des Moines tourist site, which debuts on PBS, Feb. 17.

Two fatalities a result of head-on collision

Randall Dykstra, 70, of Everly, and Bridget Baird, 45, of Milford, were killed as the result of a collision north of Spencer on U.S. Highway 71, Friday afternoon, closing down the northbound lane to traffic for hours.

Baird was northbound on the highway in her 2017 Nissan Rogue, when Dykstra, operating his 2007 Chevrolet Silverado, was traveling south in the northbound lane. The two hit head-on, reportedly killing both as a result of the accident.

Reporter awarded 6 first places

DES MOINES — Total Newspaper Design was among the six first-place awards earned by the Spencer Reporter in the multiday small paper category, Thursday evening. The awards were presented at the Iowa Newspaper Association Better Newspaper Contest.

Spencer child care study to be conducted locally

Spencer Economic Development Corporation has contracted with First Children’s Finance to complete a child care market study. The project will include studying the supply and demand for child care in the area. A component of the research is to gain input from parents that have children ages 12 or younger and are using child care or want to use child care in the community of Spencer.

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