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Public invited to join Alzheimer’s Walk

Area Alzheimer's rep Liz Vernonhas asked the public to join Edward Jones and team Region 254 — United For ALZ — on Sept. 24, for the Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer's in Spencer. Learn more and register to walk at (Photo submitted)

Outdoors: Help fight the spread of invasive species

Gov. Kim Reynolds recently proclaimed June as Invasive Species Awareness Month in Iowa.

Iowa woodlands, wildlands and waterways draw hundreds of thousands of tourists and recreational users each year. Much of the spread of Invasive species comes from people simply enjoying nature. Uninvited guests can hitch a ride on outdoor gear, shoes and clothes, traveling hundreds of miles in a single day.

Outdoors: Pheasant hunters bagged 375,000 roosters in 2021

Survey results confirmed what Iowa pheasant hunters already knew — pheasant hunting last fall was really good. In fact, it was the best in more than a decade. Iowa hunters bagged an estimated 375,000 roosters in 2021, the most since 2008.

Outdoors: Fishing seminar set for Okoboji Blue Water Festival

The final piece of the puzzle has come together for the 2022 Okoboji Blue Water Festival scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 13, in Preservation Plaza at the Arnolds Park Amusement Park. First came the announcement of Chad Pregracke as the keynote speaker, next came headliner Melissa Etheridge for the evening concert and now professional walleye angler Keith Kavajecz has agreed to share his fishing expertise at the 10 a.m. fishing seminar.

Time to brew and sip

The Home Wine and Craft Beer Department will include 15 divisions in the wine category and nine divisions in the craft beer category for the 2022 Clay County Fair, Sept. 10-18.

Facing homelessness

Several community nonprofit agencies, law enforcement administrators and health care representatives met Tuesday morning in the Clay County Board of Supervisors chambers to talk about the problems they’re seeing with homelessness in the county and what each agency can do going forward.

Clay County Garden Tour set for Friday

The Clay County Federated Garden Club will be holding its annual Garden Tour on Friday. Participants will have the chance to tour gardens of four different locations from 5:30-8 p.m.

“People can kind of come and go as they like,” said Shirley Selzer, who is on the committee for the Garden Club Tour. “They need to stop at the (Clay County Regional) Events Center parking lot and pick up a map. Once they have their map, they can go in any order to the four different homes.”

How safe is your water?

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources has been sampling water in dozens of cities in the past year to help determine the pervasiveness of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances — commonly known as PFAS or “forever chemicals.”

CCPH taking appointments for child vaccines

DES MOINES — COVID-19 vaccine doses for infants and toddlers are due to arrive in Iowa this week after federal regulators approved their use last weekend, according to the Iowa Department of Public Health.

Children older than 6 months and younger than 5 years are now eligible for the vaccines.



Spencer Hospital earns national accreditation

Spencer Hospital was recently awarded accreditation by the Center for Improvement in Healthcare Quality, a national accreditation organization sanctioned by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

The recognition reflects the hospital’s commitment to care practices and standards that are consistent with patient safety and quality care outcomes.

City approves lot sale for meat business

A custom meat business will soon be on its way to Spencer, with the Spencer City Council approving the sale of city property to Brian Bland of Custom Cut Meats during their meeting on Monday. The sale of Lot 5 of the Green Industrial Center to Bland for $20,000 was discussed by city officials in a committee meeting before its approval in the formal council session.

Spencer’s SBDC featured at ILCC board meeting

The Iowa Lakes Community College board of trustees met Tuesday afternoon on the Spencer campus for its regularly scheduled board meeting.

Jolene Rogers, executive director of community and business relations, began Tuesday's meeting by introducing Mary Faber, director of the Spencer campus. Faber welcomed the board to campus and introduced several Spencer campus employees.

Rumbling to Ruthven

After a recent board vote, the Shayla Bee road show headed out to Ruthven Wednesday night to welcome its 226th Shayla Bee Family. David Geiger and Ashley Hix are the parents of 2-month-old Bexley. Bexley has been diagnosed with Down syndrome, has a heart condition as well aw lung and feeding issues. She spent close to two months in the NICU before getting to go home.

Outdoor networking: BAH heads outdoors

State Bank, Fareway and SMU hosted Tuesday afternoon’s Business After Hours at the Grand Avenue Fountain green space near the Veterans Memorial. Local Spencer Chamber members networked and socialized in the well-attended, once-a-year outdoor setting on a warm evening, enjoying food and refreshments. (Photos by Celia Brocker)

University of Okoboji to hold 38th annual Cycling Classic

MILFORD — The 38th annual University of Okoboji Cycling Classic Campus Bike Ride will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday in Florence Park in Milford. The Boy Scouts will serve their world-famous pancake breakfast from 7-9 a.m. Riders may choose from a 25-, 50- or 100-mile bike ride through the Iowa Great Lakes area. Registration at Florence Park in Milford will be held Friday from 7-9 p.m. and Saturday from 7-9 a.m.

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