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Mobile home miracles

Local area resource agencies offered their services to residents of the trailer park located at 317 W. 18th St. this week to help find them affordable housing alternatives. Parked across the street from the park in a Clay County Regional Response trailer, representatives from Upper Des Moines Opportunity, Elderbridge, Community Housing, General Relief, Atlas and Seasons Center were available Wednesday and Thursday, and will remain available Friday and Saturday by appointment.

Electric scooter business to come to Spencer

Stand-up electric scooters will soon be making their way to the city after the Spencer City Council’s approvement of an agreement with Bird Rides during their meeting on Tuesday. The city’s agreement with Bird Rides allows the corporation to provide electric scooters for rent as a private business within the city.

City deems trailer park uninhabitable

Residents of a trailer park at 317 W. 18th St. were told they need to vacate the property, having received a letter stating Spencer’s Planning Department has deemed the area uninhabitable. Margaret George, one of the park’s residents, attended Tuesday’s Spencer City Council meeting to say she and many of the park’s other inhabitants can’t find affordable housing anywhere else in the time frame provided.

Mystery returns to OST stage

OKOBOJI — Mystery returns to the Okoboji Summer Theatre stage with J.B. Priestley’s “An Inspector Calls.” Suspense rules when a middle-class Yorkshire family meets the enigmatic Inspector Goole, in this English classic "whodunit." The show will run from Tuesday, July 12 through Sunday, July 17, and this production is sponsored by the Kemna Auto Center and the Andrea Waitt Carlton Family Foundation.

IRRMA announces new music series, Songwriters Showcase

ARNOLDS PARK — Songwriters Showcase, a new concert series presented by the Iowa Rock ‘n Roll Music Association, will feature the driving surf guitar sounds of The Surf Zombies, 2017 Spirit Award winners, on Monday, July 11, 7:30 p.m. at the Majestic Pavilion in Arnolds Park. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Cost is $10 and Season Pass Punch Cards will be accepted.

Iowa Lakes receives federal funding for TRIO Upward Bound Program

EMMETSBURG — The U.S. Department of Education recently funded the Iowa Lakes Community College TRIO Upward Bound program for five more years. Contingent on annual congressional appropriations, the award is expected to total $1,488,005 over the next five years. The Iowa Lakes TRIO Upward Bound program will continue to serve high school students in Emmetsburg, Estherville and Spencer, and will add students from North Union.

Fair seeks board candidates, association members

Like any nonprofit organization, the Clay County Fair Association is currently seeking candidates to serve on its board of directors, as well as interested individuals to become members of the Association.

“For more than 100 years, the Fair Association has been tasked with putting on ‘The World’s Greatest County Fair’ and owning the 200-acre fairgrounds,” Fair & Events Center CEO Jeremy Parsons said. “We are always looking for more individuals to help us fulfill our mission.”

Prom finest to be on display at BTBL

Participants are encouraged to pull out their prom finest when they show up on Aug. 27 for the seventh annual Black Tie Black Leather Affair at Okoboji Classic Cars in Milford. The annual Shayla Bee Fund event generated approximately $170,000 and serves as the local children charity’s largest fundraising event. This year’s evening will include appetizers, dinner, both a live and silent auction, as well as live music from The Big Throwdown — returning for a second straight year.

‘A tale as old as time …’

Spencer Community Theatre and Deegan Children’s Theatre is excited to bring Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” to life with area teens.

The classic story tells of Belle (Maggie McNea), a young woman in a provincial town, and the Beast (Oliver Morris‐McEwan), who is really a young prince trapped under the spell of an enchantress. If the Beast can learn to love and be loved, the curse will end and he will be transformed into his former self.

Muni Band offers Italian and movie tunes

The Spencer Municipal Band, under the direction of co-director Tom Rutt, will present a concert at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, at the bandshell at East Leach Park. This will be the fifth in a series of six concerts the band will present. The guest announcer for this week will be Robin Keith, a local music therapist and retired music educator who will once again be leading this fall’s “Selections from the Messiah” in December, sponsored by the Spencer Messiah Board.

Medlar Coffee joins Spencer downtown

Coffee lovers will have a new spot to frequent downtown as a new coffee shop, Medlar Coffee Co., taking up a residency in Spencer’s downtown district at 12 W. Fourth St. Owners Heather Belgrave and Cathy Veiseth, who also own the retail store Poiema Design just behind the new shop, are fulfilling one of their dreams by opening Medlar Coffee.

Larson retires from Spencer Chamber role

Mari Lu Larson (above) celebrated her retirement from the Spencer Chamber of Commerce after 10 years. Friends and loved ones gathered to honor and thank her at The Prime Rib last week. Chamber Director Sheriffa Jones (pictured below with Larson and the rest of the chamber team) recognized Larsons dedication, polite disposition and willingness to help anyone who called or stopped by the office has been appreciated. (Photos submitted)

Library summer programs continue

As Spencer moves farther into the summer season, summer programs from the Spencer Public Library will continue. Two of the libraries’ programs from last month, Geri-Fit classes and the Community Scavenger Hunt will take place in July as well.

The Geri-Fit program is a chair aerobics class for senior citizens taking place every Monday and Friday at the library starting at 1 p.m. (except for July 18 and 22).

Sharing her passion: Local teen joins 4-H state leadership

For Gensley Ball, the 4-H program which has long been a part of the Ball family’s life, is more than just a way to pass the time while continuing her high school education.

Gensley was among 40 individuals across Iowa and one of nine in the Northwest Iowa District selected from more than 190 who applied to serve on the State 4-H Youth Council this upcoming year.

Seasons Center receives $4,600 Community Foundation Grant

Seasons Center for Behavioral Health received a $4,600 grant from the Emmet County Community Foundation for therapeutic respite care for children and young adults in Emmet County.

The beautification of Lake Street

ARNOLDS PARK — Imagine Iowa Great Lakes announced the completion and grand opening of Lake Street at Arnolds Park Amusement Park. There will be a ribbon cutting ceremony and press conference on July 9, at 2 p.m.

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