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Okoboji Summer Theatre set to open next week, discount booklets on sale

Okoboji Summer Theatre discount booklets are available at a cost of $140 at Liberty National Bank (Okoboji), Northwest Banks (Spirit Lake, Arnolds Park, Milford), Pearson Lakes Art Center (Okoboji), Arts on Grand (Spencer) or by emailing Each booklet includes eight vouchers, redeemable toward four musicals and three non-musicals.

Norris named ILCC Emmetsburg executive dean

EMMETSBURG — Iowa Lakes Community College has selected Kyle Norris to fill the executive dean position on the Emmetsburg campus following an extensive search and interview process. Norris will begin his new role at Iowa Lakes on July 11, following board approval.

BVU joins local hospitals for 14th URMED effort

STORM LAKE — Two Buena Vista University students who completed the landmark Undergraduate Rural Medicine Education and Development program in May relate how excited they are for a future in treating others thanks to their experiences.

Catholic Daughters contribute to Imagination Library

Sacred Heart Catholic Daughter members Monica Johannsen and Marilyn Bock presented a check for $500 to Lindy Hornby, her children Reegan and Cooper, and Kiwanis representative Kelly McCarty for the Dolly Parton's Imagination Library. As a speech pathologist, Hornby started the process to bring this program to Spencer to bring books into the homes of children from birth to age 5. The Imaginary Library will send each child an age specific book each month until the age of 5 years.

Business Brief: Ostrum joins chamber team

The Spencer Chamber Executive Director Sheriffa Jones and the board announced the hire of new office and finance coordinator Maggie Ostrum. Ostrum has worked for more than 10 years in public service and tourism, most recently, as a tour guide and office associate at Okoboji Classic Cars. Ostrum will bring her experiences in communication, public relations, office management and marketing to the Spencer Chamber to continue to foster relationships with visitors, residents and businesses.

Outdoors: Learn to Hunt program opens registration for dove hunting for beginner’s webinar

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is offering a program to teach skills needed to hunt, field dress and cook mourning doves to individuals who have little to no dove hunting experience.

The July 14 workshop will feature a two-hour virtual knowledge and skills building sessions with instructors that will teach the basics.

Outdoors: Growing network of radio stations provide important data on small animal migration

Iowa joined other Midwestern states, and researchers in Canada and Central and South America to create a network of radio receiver stations to learn more about the long-distance migration patterns of birds, bats and insects.

The Motus Wildlife Tracking System, motus being the Latin word for movement, began in 2013 by Birds Canada near Toronto. Motus is a system of coordinated automated radio telemetry station used to track long-distance movements of small animals.

Outdoors: Several shallow northwest Iowa lakes being restored

Over the past several years, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources has gone about restoring shallow lakes across the state. These are lakes that at one time were healthy and vibrant ecosystems have, unfortunately, become degraded to the point of little use. Often devoid of plant life with very poor water quality and overrun by rough fish such as carp and bullheads, these former gems are often ignored and forgotten.

Creative Arts changes name to Textiles, Arts and Crafts for 2022 CCF

The Clay County Fair Textiles, Crafts and Arts Department has changed its name to the Creative Arts Department for the 2022 Fair, Sept. 10-18.

Wonder Barn

A group of local women have spent the past few years researching locations and opportunities to establish a WonderLab site near Spencer. After failing to secure a location in its previous search, Megan Jones opted to create a prototype to give others a taste of what she and her partners have been working on.

Legislators, organizations react to state abortion ruling

The Iowa Supreme Court found there is no state constitutional right to an abortion, reversing a previous decision in a ruling Friday. The decision leaves Iowa open to an abortion ban or heightened restrictions if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns federal protections in a ruling expected in the coming weeks.

'Pink Panther' on Muni Band’s dance card

The Spencer Municipal Band, under the baton of Tom Rutt, will be presenting its weekly concert of music in the park, Thursday, June 23, at 7:30 p.m. The band is made up of area musicians and is supported by the city of Spencer and the Spencer Community Schools.

The band will be playing an audience favorite this week. The band will showcase Henry Mancini's, “Pink Panther,” at their concert.

Rocket Slide work continues

Spencer's Rocket Slide has gotten one step closer to being restored, with the slide arriving at East Leach Park on Monday. Midstates Builders lowered the slide to the site in East Leach where it will eventually stand.

Historic Preservation to return grant funding

Plans for a second-floor accessibility study for Spencer’s downtown may be on hold. During its meeting last Thursday, Spencer’s Historic Preservation Commission decided to recommend to the Spencer City Council to return the project’s grant funding from the state in the amount of $15,062.

Fireworks returning to fairgrounds July 4th

Fireworks will return to the skies above the Clay County Fair on July 4.

Last year, the fireworks were launched in conjunction with Spencer’s sesquicentennial celebration, leaving a bit of a gap in the annual holiday spectacular. Jeremy Parsons and Bob Rose are both busy trying to raise funds to cover the cost of the light show. To date, $5,000 has been raised through city and nonprofit contributions, as well as fundraising.

SWOT supports community programs

The Spencer Women of Today hosted its donation presentation night, distributing funding gifts to Clay County Sheriff K-9, Spencer EMTs, Hope Haven, Atlas, Spencer Fire Department, Spencer Police Department, Spencer Police K-9, Reins of Hope, Birthright, Cherish House, Feed Our Children, Grand Ave Outreach, People for Pets, NW IA Humane Society, Upper Des Moines, Respite Angels, Relay for Life, Clay County Pals, Iowa Lakes Fishing Club, Classroom Collection, Spencer Archery, Spencer After Prom

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